KRONIA was a festival dedicated to Kronos in ancient Greece. The festival was characterized by an overthrow of the status quo, gifts and gambling. The first major REVERSAL in the festival’s history came with the Romans who moved it from July to December and called it Saturnalia. The upheavals continued as usual: slaves were equal to their masters, gifts, drunkenness, bad behavior and gambling, were all elements that survived well into Christianity.
So, we are waiting for you at our two-day festival in Romantso with the opportunity to find gifts for your loved ones at Pornolaiki and with screenings of fun porn films to heat you up in the cold winter nights.
KRISTMAS KEFI to everyone.
Saturday 21st Dec
11:00-21:00 Pornolaiki 11:00-21:00 (1st floor)
19:00-21:00 CHRISTMAS FUN Pt.1 - Fun Porn Shorts (main) - 5€.
Sunday 22nd Dec
11:00-21:00 Pornolaiki 11:00-21:00 (1st Floor)
19:00-21:00 CHRISTMAS FUN Pt.2- Fun Porn Shorts (main) - 5€.