Mero Naam Ho is the Nepali phrase meaning My Name Is, and it is an idea that started 10 years ago. It is about the interaction of humans with mountains after 19th century, how names are given to mountain peaks, how the words we use create the world we inhabit and how sounds affect our brain functions.

Bill AnagnosSaber Rider and P Kei will share their sounds with Riya, to support her idea and residency in Nepal, Himalaya.

During the residency, the model of the highest mountain of the world will be created from recycled materials from Khumbu region and Sagarmatha National Park, that pile up from the trekkers and the expeditions. If those words and names sound unknown, come by to hear the backstage story. 

Early wake up #onthemountains
Installation 20:48 [(8)8:48(P)m] @bill_anagnos

Data #onthemountains
Project Info 21:15 @yeoriyaa

Inspiration #onthemountains
Live Set 21:30 @bill_anagnos Sounds from Himalaya & other sacred landscapes

Line up depending on the weather #onthemountains
Dj Sets 23:00 @saber_rider @peter_kei1 @yeoriyaa Sounds from Europe, Asia & around

The timetable will be accurately kept otherwise we’ll miss the sunrise!

ROMANTSO, Anaxagora 3-5, Athens
Saturday 15 February 2025
Doors: 20.30
Support 5€