The first creative hub in Athens

Bios organisation acknowledged the need for the creation of creative communities and for their active support.

In 2014, BIOS established the first creative hub in Athens, Romantso. The building that used to host the printer house of the homonymous magazine was strategically chosen as it is located in a neglected spot in the historical center of Athens near Omonia. We injected new life to the building and to the area, always respecting the original architecture and the diversity that now characterizes this neighborhood.

Romantso soon became the meeting point for creatives and cultural professionals, artists and anyone interested in arts and creative industries in general.


Romantso’s incubator offers office spaces for rent and a variety of services, targeted to start-up companies within the creative industry. The building has already been developed into a vibrant meeting point for young creatives that provides both private and co-working spaces.

Apply for a private office or desk space here.


Romantso’s cultural center organizes and hosts music performances, art exhibitions, theatre, seminars, workshops, presentations and lectures accessible to the wider public. Its purpose is to reactivate an abandoned part of the historical center of the city, where some years ago, the creative core of urban life was based.

Check out our upcoming events here.


Every few years our mission and priorities are re-evaluated. We synthetically reconsider our past and present and reshape our aims and activities, with intent to stay relevant and reflect society’s cultural and social changes, while supporting our peer creative communities.

Our core values continue to resonate with our short and long term goals:

  • Support and promote contemporary artistic production and its intersection with new media and technology
  • Highlight new practices for encountering art, culture, work, play.
  • Inspire audiences and introduce innovative cultural/creative productions to the wider public
  • Create a meeting point for local and international audiences and creative professionals.